Stand Up Paddling: Flatwater to Surf and Rivers by Rob Casey

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Longtime stand up paddler and instructor Rob Casey has authored the first and only comprehensive guide to one of the country’s hottest sports - Stand Up Paddling. Read More

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Hawaiians were stand up paddle surfing (known as SUP) in the '50s and '60s, but the sport was first seen on the U.S. mainland in the early 2000s, when surfers Laird Hamilton and Rick Thomas brought it to California. Now you see SUP popping up everywhere; it's ranked as the fastest growing sport in the U.S. by the Outdoor Industry Association.

From choosing the right gear to stroke techniques (j-stroke, Tahitian, sculling brace) and fitness advice, Rob Casey will have you stand up paddling in no time. Specific chapters focus on flat-water paddling, paddle surfing, and river paddling to show you exactly what you need to take your SUP skills and knowledge to a specific environment. Whether you want to learn about fitness or expedition planning in flat water, how to forecast waves and current for surfing, or how to use river eddies to your advantage -- it's all here in this easy-to-reference guidebook from a SUP expert.

About the Author

Rob Casey has been a photographer for nearly 15 years for magazines, advertising and design firms, and stock agencies worldwide. His work has appeared in the New York Times, USA Today, Time, Seattle Metropolitan, Country Home, and Sunset. Images from his miniatures series can be found in the private collections of Elton John and Disney. He lives in Seattle, Washington and he is the Northwest expert on Stand Up Paddling.